England 1998
Stockholm 1996
Hallucination City June 2001 - Village Voice
Hallucination City June 2001 - Slate
Hallucination City June 2001 - Emily XYZ
Hallucination City June 2001 - New York Times
October 2001 interview - Los Angeles Times
Hallucination City - Symphony No.13
For links to some of the musicians from the Symphony for 100 Guitars show, go to the history page.
Glenn Branca and Reg Bloor
Harmonics Guitars (Loud Music for Unusual Electric Guitars)
The Paranoid Critical Revolution
Reg Bloor's new band.
Glenn Branca and Reg Bloor
- live at TT the Bear's (Cambridge, Mass.)
Photos of Glenn and Reg
9, 2003 with Ryan Walsh on bass and Tony Cenicola on drums.
Features Glenn's Harmonics guitar with one neck and two
Tour Diary
A tour diary written by guitarist John Neilson about the
Glenn Branca Guitar Swarm show at London's Barbican Theatre,
Halloween night, 1998.
Ascension The Unofficial Glenn Branca Page
This page has a Glenn Branca FAQ, an interview with Glenn, a list of compostions and
RealAudio sound clips.
New York Press article
This article features an interview with Glenn and a review of the July 20, 2000 Ensemble performance of Symphony No.12 at the Brooklyn Anchorage.
Dinner with Glenn"
June 26th 1998, a day after the premiere of new pieces by Michael Fahres and Glenn Branca,
the two composers came to my house to eat, drink and talk. The evening was recorded and
some pictures were made. Some parts of the conversation will soon be on our webradio site.
-- Co de Kloet
ESTWeb Interview
1997 interview with Glenn by Brian Duguid.
Mondo 2000 Interview
Interview with Glenn and Elliot Sharp about cyberpunk by Mark Dery.
Shirley's website
Atavistic - Songs `77-79, Symphonies
No.2, 3, 5, 6, 8 & 10
Point Music - Symphony No.9
Restless - Symphony No.6